You could be forgiven for forgetting that a hard-wired internet connection actually exists. Such is the popularity of a wireless connection these days, we almost expect that it’s the fastest and most efficient way we can be online.

However, at the core of every wireless network is a hard-wired connection that few homeowners ever see the full benefit of. At Man Security Solutions, we recognise the enhanced performance and reliability of a hard-wired network, which can provide you with speeds above and beyond 100x faster than most wireless networks.

In fact, more advances have been made in hard-wired networks than in their wireless counterparts, although the main reason wireless networks are so great is their practicality.


Where there is a growing demand of people working from home its vital that you have a good WiFi connection where a wired connection isn’t possible. Too often, we find that homeowners have been left with a Wi-Fi connection that is intermittent in different areas of the property and doesn’t do everything you need it to.

At Man Security Solutions we can look as extending and resolving all outstanding issues and deliver a Wi-Fi connection that works for everyone in your property.